G Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.10 m)
FEI Art. 238.2.1 - CSI1*


1.81 Onyx de la Louviere Daems,Sarah BEL
chest 13y.S /Zandor Z/Voltaire/SF/102PO74/ La Louviere E.A.R.L. Elevage de 
2.84 Favoriet Holemans,Stien BEL
bay 10y.G /Darco/Chellano Z/BWP/103DW42/ Wils Mieke 
3.86 Faline d'Au Cerfs Vanhecke,Kevin BEL
bay 10y.M /Viking vd Kwekenhoeve/Adieu Z/BWP/103AU17/ Vanhecke Kevin 
4.127 Catho van Generhese Luyckx,Kevin BEL
bay 7y.M /SBS/104SL09/ Luyckx 
5.155 Chanel Birdavenue Prouve,Simon BEL
bay 13y.M /Sheyenne de Baugy/Burggraaf/BWP/102OG51/ Prova-Hof N.V. 
6.176 Concetto C Anteunis,Zoe BEL
grey 8y.S /Concorde/Placido/KWPN/103RU96/ Spronken Bvba 
7.195 Ronald Desmet,Michiel BEL
grey 10y.G /104HM09/ Michiel Desmet 
8.29 Nilo de Olid R Müller,Florence SUI
chest 9y.G /Centauer Z/Avontuur/103DP52/ Müller Florence 
9.62 Jerka van de Noordheuvel Taeijmans,Dimitri BEL
bay 6y.M /104RQ69/ Taeijmans 
10.71 Caruso Sforza Cesarini,Caterina ITA
bay 13y.G /BWP/104TA82/ Corten 
11.97 Gitana vh Molenhof Z Loneux,Jolien BEL
bay 8y.M /104SL07/ Servranckx 
12.112 Basha Boden,Dorien BEL
grey 9y.M /Cartano/Monaco/KWPN/104RO17/ Boden Dorien En Schreurs Dries 
13.114 Day Dream Dixon,Joanne GBR
bay 18y.G /GBR41630/ David Dixon 
14.118 Jackpot v/d Molendreef Baeten,Louke BEL
grey 6y.G /Cicero/Heartbreaker/BWP/104ST31/ Rolf Morssinkhof 
15.125 Indiana Geryl,Perry BEL
bay 7y.M /104SM88/ Brutsaert 
16.134 Jesaja Huyvaert,Thibaut BEL
bay 6y.M /104TC00/ Postelmans 
17.140 Dario Didden,Julian BEL
bay 12y.S /Lavall I/Darbxx/104AG99/ Chloe Astill 
18.157 Bravo Liefhebber Gargollo,Fernando MEX
grey 9y.G /Colino/Landon/KWPN/103NL72/ M. Liefhebber 
19.162 Up to Date Schreurs,Dries BEL
chest 14y.G /Opan/Espri/KWPN/BEL41030/ Dries Schreurs 
20.164 Domino de Hurtebise Thiry,Manuel BEL
bay 6y.G /SBS/104SQ88/ Servais 
21.174 Indolien Geerts,Pauline BEL
bay 7y.M /BWP/104SQ40/ Geerts 
22.182 Icera van het Brandshof Vanhamme,Thierry BEL
grey 7y.M /104SL15/ Vanhamme 
23.184 Georgio Gelade,Jenthe BEL
bay 9y.S /103XX35/ Jos Gelade 
24.205 Falona Bdv Braeckmans,Julie BEL
bay 10y.M /BWP/104SK92/ De Vroe 
25.216 Bijou Fortuna Caproens,Silke BEL
grey 9y.M /KWPN/104SD86/ Caproens 
26.221 Coco Bello Hoorelbeke,Axelle BEL
grey 8y.G /Colman/Cantos/OLDBG/104IW63/ Antonio Castagna 
27.236 Cat Baloo Mancini Caterini,Valentina ITA
chest 9y.M /Castus I/Acord II/HANN/104RT67/ Azienda Agricola S. Prospero di Cri 
28.238 Bacardi van de Putberg Cacciatore,Marco BEL
bay 9y.S /Landlord/Nimmerdor/KWPN/103SC96/ Müller Raphaela 
29.246 Whisper R Goossens,Brecht BEL
bay 12y.S /Heartbreaker (NL) Kwpn/KWPN/102WP73/ Monsieur Stephane Saunier 
30.268 Jinx d'Over Diamantides,Melissa GBR
bay 6y.G /Thunder van de Zuuthoeve/Dino de Dampierre/BWP/104RV10/ Melissa Diamantides 
31.12 Alissa Roger Ibars,Gabriela ESP
bay 9y.M /Canturo/King of Tales/UNIRE/103KK34/ Stal Oxer B.V. 
32.16 W Umonia Boyen,Jan BEL
bay 12y.G /Germus R/Voltaire/104RC65/ Boyen Jan 
33.17 Valentine du Faurieu Merveille,Carla BEL
chest 10y.M /SBS/104SL11/ Merveille 
34.36 Pearl Harbor Dulczewska,Monika POL
bay 7y.G /Pizarro/Athlet Z/BRAND/104MJ94/ Stal Bucci B.V. & Sporthorses Monik 
35.37 Lanou vd Meunishof Z Colaers,Kim BEL
bay 6y.M /104RZ57/ Ectors 
36.43 Edita Vranken,Chloe BEL
bay 6y.M /Carolus II/Heartbreaker/104SS77/ Tal Milstein Stables 
37.45 Serran V Westleven Z Pieck,Inge BEL
bay 8y.G /104SM87/ Postelmans 
38.52 Belaika de la Vie Lefevre,Steve BEL
bay 6y.M /HOLST/104SD91/ Goossens 
39.53 Dame d'Hyrencourt Wouters,Johan BEL
bay 6y.M /SBS/104TN06/ Henry 
40.54 Jewel S Chrystal Verheyen,Christoph BEL
chest 7y.S /OLDBG/104JV72/ Jewel Court Stud Nv 
41.82 Chocolate Frost Daems,Sarah BEL
bay 7y.M /SBS/104SK95/ Daems 
42.85 Donna Karan Holemans,Stien BEL
grey 12y.M /Le Tot de Semilly/Godehard/BWP/104JB91/ Sabine Daems 
43.87 Uxana de Rampan Vanhecke,Kevin BEL
chest 7y.M /Newlook du Thot/Lieu de Rampan/104RQ71/ Vanhecke Kevin 
44.159 Jiosco van het Velpedal Clarys,Bart BEL
bay 6y.G /Numero Uno/Argentinus/104SH30/ De Pelsmaeker Ben Hilton Stables 
45.239 Julie vd Verbindingshoeve Luyckx,Kevin BEL
bay 6y.M /BWP/104SL75/ Luyckx 
46.156 Havana Prova Prouve,Simon BEL
chest 8y.M /Calvaro/Elanville/BWP/103XV51/ Prova-Hof N.V. 
47.177 Goodwill vd Dijkhoeve Anteunis,Zoe BEL
chest 9y.M /BWP/104SK91/ Spronken Bvba 
48.196 Uroeska Desmet,Michiel BEL
bay 14y.M /BEL43112/ Els Huens 
49.73 Jaliska van de Heide George,Isabelle GBR
grey 6y.M /Cornet's Stern/Elanville/BWP/104ET10/ Mrs Clair George 
50.30 Cadida vh Provahof Müller,Florence SUI
bay 13y.M /Lux/Elanville/BWP/102OG52/ Müller Florence 

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