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 Martedì, 3 Marzo 2009
  Youngster Tour
10.00   25   5 year old horses
Warm up
11.15   26   6 year old horses
Warm up
12.30   27   7 year old horses
Warm up

 Mercoledì, 4 Marzo 2009
  Youngster Tour
10.00    28   5 year old horses
Competition not against the clock (1.15 m)
11.15   29   6 year old horses
Competition against the clock (1.20 m)
12.30   30   7 year old horses
Competition against the clock (1.30 m)

 Giovedì, 5 Marzo 2009
  Youngster Tour
9.00   31   5 year old horses
Competition with jump-off not against the clock (1.15 m)
10.30   32   6 year old horses
Competition with immediate jump-off (1.20 m)
12.00   33   7 year old horses
Competition with immediate jump-off (1.30 m)

 Venerdí, 6 Marzo 2009
8.30   34 A   CSI 1*
Competition in 2 phases (1.15 / 1.20 m)
   34 B   CSI 1*
Competition in 2 phases (1.15 / 1.20 m)
Children & juniors
11.00   35 A   CSI 1*
Competition against the clock (1.25 m)
   35 B   CSI 1*
Competition against the clock (1.25 m)
Children & juniors
13.30   36 A   CSI 1*
Competition against the clock (1.30 m)
   36 B   CSI 1*
Competition against the clock (1.30 m)

 Vernedí, 6 Marzo 2009
8.45   38   CSI 3*
Competition in 2 phases (1.35 m)
10.45   40   CSI 3*
Competition in 2 phases (1.40 m)
12.15   37   CSI 3*
Competition against the clock (1.30 m)
13.30   39   CSI 3*
Competition in 2 phases (1.35 m)
with a few natural fences
15.30   41   CSI 3*
Competition against the clock (1.45 m)
Qualifying competition for Grand Prix

 Sabato, 7 Marzo 2009
8.00   42 A   CSI 1*
Competition with jump-off (1.15 / 1.20 m)
   42 B   CSI 1*
Competition with jump-off (1.15 / 1.20 m)
Children & juniors
10.20   43 A   CSI 1*
Competition in 2 phases (1.25 m
   43 B   CSI 1*
Competition in 2 phases (1.25 m)
Children & juniors
13.30   44 A   CSI 1*
Competition in 2 phases (1.30 m)
   44 B   CSI 1*
Competition in 2 phases (1.30 m)

 Sabato, 7 Marzo 2009
8.15    47   CSI 3*
Competition against the clock (1.35 m)
9.15   46   CSI 3*
Competition with immediate jump-off (1.35 m)
11.45   48   CSI 3*
Competition with jump-off (1.40 m)
13.30   45   CSI 3*
Competition in 2 phases (1.30 m)
14.45   49   CSI 3*
Hunting competition (1.45 m)
with a few natural fences
15.30   50   CSI 3*
Competition in 2 phases (1.50 m)
Qualifying competition for Grand Prix

 Domenica, 8 Marzo 2009
8.15    51 A   CSI1*
Competition against the clock (1.15 / 1.20 m)
   51 B   CSI1*
Competition against the clock (1.15 / 1.20 m)
Children & juniors
10.00   52 A   CSI1*
Competition with jump-off (1.25 m)
   52 B   CSI1*
Competition with jump-off (1.25 m)
Children & juniors
12.00   53 A   CSI1*
Competition with jump-off (1.30 m)
   53 B   CSI1*
Competition with jump-off (1.30 m)
13.30   60   CSI 1* - Grand Prix
Competition with jump-off (1.35 m)

 Domenica, 8 Marzo 2009
8.00   55   CSI 3*
Accumulator competition with joker (1.35 m)
9.00   56   CSI 3*
Competition against the clock (1.35 m)
10.45   54   CSI 3*
Competition with jump-off (1.30 m)
11.45   57   CSI 3*
Competition against the clock (1.40 m)
13.30   58   CSI 3*
Competition over 2 rounds (1.45 m)
16.00   59   CSI 3* - Grand Prix
Competition over 2 rounds (1.50 m)

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