Platzierte Teilnehmer |
1. | 146 |
Avenzio 3 |
Sugitani, Taizo |
car |
0 penalties 36.75 sec |
Bay 14y.G /Animo/Erdball XX/KWPN/GER44162/ Taizo Sugitani |
round 2 |
2. | 116 |
Luis Della Caccia |
Da Silva, Arthur |
11000.00 CH |
0 penalties 38.36 sec |
Grey 11y.S /Lancer Iilancer II/Corofino Icorofino I/ITA43239/ Juri Adolfo |
round 2 |
3. | 261 |
Citizenguard Toscan de St. Her |
van Paesschen, Constant |
9000.00 CHF |
0 penalties 39.11 sec |
Grey 10y.G /Surcouf de Revel/Bayac de Sainte Hermelle/SBS/102XA26/ van Campenhoud |
round 2 |
4. | 222 |
Cassandra |
Franco, Francesco |
7000.00 CHF |
0 penalties 39.98 sec |
Grey 9y.M /Cashandcarry/Calato/HOLST/102NX87/ Olgiata Equestrian Di Franco F |
round 2 |
5. | 102 |
Bonanza van Paemel |
Pasmore, Catherine |
5000.00 CHF |
0 penalties 40.04 sec |
Bay 12y.G /Darco/Sheyenne de Baugy/BWP/102QT78/ Pasmore Stables, LLC |
round 2 |
6. | 19 |
Juvina |
Bloomberg, Georgina |
3000.00 CHF |
0 penalties 40.19 sec |
Grey 12y.M /Cassini I/Grannus/AUT40753/ Christian Grossholzner |
round 2 |
7. | 235 |
Ulysse |
Schwizer, Pius |
2000.00 CHF |
4 penalties 37.23 sec |
Bay 16y.G /Nonstop/Jus de Pomme/BWP/BEL10603/ Pius Schwizer |
round 2 |
8. | 17 |
Zanzibar |
Guerdat, Steve |
1500.00 CHF |
4 penalties 38.95 sec |
Bay 9y.G /Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve/Ahorn/KWPN/103WG69/ Gilbert de Roock BVBA |
round 2 |
9. | 84 |
Ugano Les Hauts |
Sulmoni, Clint |
1250.00 CHF |
4 penalties 42.59 sec |
Chest 9y.G /Ogano Sitte/Kannan/SBS/103BF68/ Meroni Eliano |
round 2 |
10. | 252 |
R-Gitana |
Brotto, Fabio |
1000.00 CHF |
4 penalties 43.29 sec |
Bay 13y.M /Looping/Grandeur/ITA41452/ Maria Camilla Cortese |
round 2 |
11. | 295 |
Audi's Wizard |
Biessen, Ivo |
750.00 CHF |
4 penalties 44.55 sec |
DarkB 10y.S /Lupicor/Voltaire/KWPN/NED42017/ Eric Berkhof Paarden BV |
round 2 |
12. | 130 |
Chesterfield |
Al Sharbatly, Abdullah |
500.00 CHF |
4 penalties 45.88 sec |
Bucks 11y.M /102RO94/ J.M.M.Steeghs & FPH Stables B.V. |
round 2 |
13. | 107 |
L.B. Eagle Eye |
Liebherr, Christina |
500.00 CHF |
16 penalties 40.16 sec |
Bay 9y.S /Darco/Cento/BWP/103CJ25/ la Baumetta SA |
round 2 |
Weitere, nicht platzierte Teilnehmer |
14. | 170 |
Bayamo |
Coyle, Trevor |
1 penalty 83.51 sec |
Bay 9y.G /Balou du Rouet/Gralshuter/WESTF/102UY85/ Pro Horses International |
round 1 |
15. | 86 |
Miss Alora |
Oberti, Giovanni |
1 penalty 84.92 sec |
Bay 9y.M /Acorado/Marlesko XX/OLDBG/103HX65/ Giovanni Oberti |
round 1 |
16. | 159 |
Little Leo |
Balmelli, Marina |
2 penalties 86.15 sec |
Bay 12y.G /Lovari/Corrado I/HOLST/SUI40960/ Balmelli Christiane |
round 1 |
17. | 300 |
Uppie de Lis |
Freimüller, Melanie |
4 penalties 74.04 sec |
Bay 12y.G /Andiamo Z/Landsieger/SUI40278/ Würgler Annette + Werner |
round 1 |
18. | 180 |
Lord Sandro DDH |
Bles, Bart |
4 penalties 74.65 sec |
Chest 11y.S /Lordanos/Sandro/GER42506/ Dekstation de Havikerwaard |
round 1 |
19. | 242 |
Armani The Gun CH |
Mallat, Maiju |
4 penalties 76.04 sec |
Bay 11y.G /Abanos/Ramiro Z/CH/SUI41203/ Eva+Heinz Senn + Optimumhorses |
round 1 |
20. | 144 |
Palloubet d'Halong |
Sprunger, Janika |
4 penalties 77.61 sec |
Chest 10y.G /Baloubet du Rouet/Muguet du Manoir/SF/102MY18/ Kähny Georg |
round 1 |
21. | 48 |
Naiade d'Auvers |
Estermann, Paul |
4 penalties 77.75 sec |
Grey 12y.M /Cumano/Grand Veneur/SF/SUI40989/ Gautschi Peter |
round 1 |
22. | 184 |
Clintop 2 |
Kühner, Max |
4 penalties 77.84 sec |
Bay 10y.G /Clinton/Calvaro/BWP/GER45713/ Knoop Gerhard |
round 1 |
23. | 121 |
Up To Date HS |
Schuttert, Hendrik-Jan |
4 penalties 78.19 sec |
Bay 12y.G /Kigali/Gandor F/KWPN/NED41149/ Handelshuis Schuttert |
round 1 |
24. | 164 |
Walestro van het Bloemenhof |
Zuvadelli, Paolo Adamo |
4 penalties 78.37 sec |
Chest 14y.G /Palestro V. Beginakker/Jazz/BWP/BEL41018/ BVBA Horse Trad., L. Phili |
round 1 |
25. | 287 |
Koby du Vartellier |
Scheller, Nicole |
4 penalties 79.72 sec |
Chest 15y.G /Espoir Breceen/Hidalgo de Riou/SF/FRA10944/ Scheller Nicole |
round 1 |
26. | 31 |
Conte Della Caccia |
Fuchs, Martin |
4 penalties 80.15 sec |
Grey 10y.S /Canturo/Corrado I/HOLST/102ZT73/ Optimum Finanz AG |
round 1 |
27. | 272 |
Milor Landais |
Bettschen, Pascal |
4 penalties 80.31 sec |
Bay 13y.S /Timorrak des Isles/Pot d'Or/SF/SUI41263/ Borer Winzenried Franziska |
round 1 |
28. | 73 |
Little Tinka |
Hetzel, Holger |
4 penalties 80.36 sec |
Grey 15y.G /Tinka's Boy/Fiorello/AES/GBR40778/ Hetzel, Holger |
round 1 |
29. | 39 |
Wervel |
Züger, Annina |
4 penalties 80.47 sec |
Grey 10y.M /Corland/Indorado/KWPN/102PB22/ Bücheler,paul |
round 1 |
30. | 12 |
Tamira IV |
Al Emadi, Khalid Mohammed A S |
5 penalties 82.44 sec |
DarkB 13y.M /Damiro/Corleone/KWPN/SUI40658/ Qatar Armed Forces |
round 1 |
31. | 56 |
Darius |
Callerio, Nicolo |
5 penalties 82.76 sec |
Bay 10y.G /Kashmir van Schuttershof/Wiensender/BWP/102RL54/ van Geel Schroder B.V |
round 1 |
32. | 40 |
Fardon |
Kontio, Anna-Julia |
6 penalties 87.12 sec |
Grey 12y.G /Corland/Mezcalero/SUI40961/ Schimanko Robert |
round 1 |
33. | 249 |
Cardino |
Crotta, Clarissa |
6 penalties 89.43 sec |
Chest 15y.S /Carthago/Fier de Lui Z/HOLST/DEN03139/ Safronovmikhail |
round 1 |
34. | 228 |
Earl Pery's Caro CH |
Rutschi, Niklaus |
8 penalties 76.88 sec |
Bay 9y.G /Caretino/Heraldik XX/CH/103DM36/ Renner Max |
round 1 |
35. | 219 |
Admirable |
Pellegrin-Etter, Marie |
8 penalties 78.11 sec |
Bay 13y.G /A Jungle Prince/Rhytmo/HANN/SUI40764/ Ecurie Galoubet |
round 1 |
36. | 284 |
Unesco 33 |
Distel, Jan |
8 penalties 78.18 sec |
Bay 12y.G /Kojak/Daimler/KWPN/GER45251/ Pfeiffer, Michael |
round 1 |
37. | 128 |
Rubina VIII |
Crotta, Fabio |
8 penalties 79.70 sec |
Chest 9y.M /CH/102MP86/ Crotta Fabio |
round 1 |
38. | 280 |
Oceane de la Taille CH |
Bussmann, Evelyne |
8 penalties 80.00 sec |
Bay 13y.M /Reichsgraf/Quidam de Revel/CH/102XT44/ Bussmann Annemarie |
round 1 |
39. | 111 |
Loro Piana Acamar |
Ferrario, Massimiliano |
8 penalties 80.31 sec |
Bay 10y.G /Acobat I/Bayardo (II)/SI/102PM43/ Az. Agr. Prato Rotondo Di Ferrario |
round 1 |
40. | 34 |
Fairplay V.Hellehof |
Hickey, John |
8 penalties 81.07 sec |
Bay 8y.G /Querlybet Hero/Clinton/BWP/103DP25/ Pro Horses International |
round 1 |
41. | 99 |
Coriano Zwartepannenhof |
Pfyffer, Carlo |
8 penalties 81.66 sec |
Light 11y.S /Kashmir van'T Schuttershof/Quat'Sous/BWP/FRA45470/ Di Bossoni Alessa |
round 1 |
42. | 168 |
L B Carwyn |
Etter, Daniel |
8 penalties 81.94 sec |
Grey 11y.G /Come On/Grand Canyon/OLDBG/102PK35/ la Baumetta SA |
round 1 |
43. | 199 |
Urval |
Gulliksen, Victoria |
9 penalties 83.16 sec |
Chest 12y.G /Hattrick/Elcaro/KWPN/102NX34/ Stall Gullik A/s |
round 1 |
44. | 23 |
Faith van de Mullegracht |
Sprunger, Hansueli |
12 penalties 79.55 sec |
Grey 8y.M /Darco/Carthago/BWP/103CR96/ Vogler Marianne |
round 1 |
45. | 239 |
VDL Groep Carina |
Asten, Leopold van |
12 penalties 79.73 sec |
Bay 10y.M /Contendro/HANN/102NF76/ Stoeterij Duyselshof BV |
round 1 |
46. | 206 |
HH Dark de la Hart |
Judge, Quentin |
13 penalties 82.79 sec |
Grey 10y.S /Kashmir van Schuttershof/Nonstop/BWP/102SB10/ Double H Farm |
round 1 |
47. | 123 |
Quillini |
Smith, Jason |
16 penalties 81.19 sec |
Bay 10y.G /Quinar/Landjunge/BAWUE/103OG54/ S., A. & K. Murphy & Horse Manageme |
round 1 |
48. | 263 |
Sonnengraf CH |
Crotta, Sabrina |
retired |
Bay 12y.G /Reichsgraf/Naturel/SUI40356/ S., A. & K. Murphy & Horse Manageme |
round 1 |
48. | 67 |
Davidoff V. Schl'Hof CH |
Schurtenberger, Niklaus |
retired |
Bay 11y.S /Karondo V.Schloesslihof/Calando II/CH/SUI40505/ Werner Rütimann |
round 1 |
48. | 150 |
Graf Falco |
Hauri, Markus |
retired |
Bay 8y.G /Graf Top/Calido I/HANN/103UB52/ Schwizer Pius + Global One Int. Hol |
round 1 |