Placed competitors |
1. | 72 |
Cornet d'Amour |
Deusser, Daniel |
car (24132 EUR) + 33331.50 EUR |
0 penalties 35.66 sec |
grey 10y.G /Cornet Obolensky/Damiani/WESTF/BEL42861/ Stephex Stables,Pedro Veniss |
jump-off |
2. | 21 |
Lunatic |
Fredricson, Jens |
34826.40 EUR |
0 penalties 36.43 sec |
bay 15y.G /Landlord/Utrillo/SWB/SWE40332/ Lunatic AB |
jump-off |
3. | 55 |
Nuage Bleu |
Cordon, Pilar Lucrecia |
26119.80 EUR |
0 penalties 37.94 sec |
chest 12y.G /Fildor de Largival/SF/102QX91/ Pilar Cordon |
jump-off |
4. | 12 |
Zenith |
Dubbeldam, Jeroen |
17413.20 EUR |
retired |
bay 9y.G /Rash R/X Fuego du Prelet Sf/103CQ75/ Van der Ham & Springpaarden Fonds |
jump-off |
5. | 93 |
Ego van Orti |
Tops-Alexander, Edwina |
10447.93 EUR |
1 penalty 73.87 sec |
bay 9y.G /Vigo d'Arsouilles/Darco/BWP/102OP34/ Tops Horse Trading BV & Edwina Top |
round 1 |
6. | 66 |
Diablesse de Muze |
Clee, Joe |
7835.95 EUR |
4 penalties 67.76 sec |
chest 10y.M /Baloubet du Rouet/Nabab de Reve/BWP/BEL42467/ Ludwig Criel |
round 1 |
7. | 103 |
Silvana HDC |
Staut, Kevin |
5223.97 EUR |
4 penalties 68.07 sec |
grey 14y.M /Corland/Widor/KWPN/BEL12188/ Haras Des Coudrettes |
round 1 |
8. | 52 |
Louis IV |
Mändli, Beat |
4353.31 EUR |
4 penalties 68.19 sec |
bay 13y.G /Lord Pezi/Ultraschall/OLDBG/GER28422/ Bücheler Paul |
round 1 |
9. | 25 |
Castlefield Eclipse |
Estermann, Paul |
3482.65 EUR |
4 penalties 69.17 sec |
bay 11y.M /Obos Quality/ISH/IRL40616/ Fasana,Jocelyne |
round 1 |
10. | 130 |
Bufero van het Panishof |
Demeersman, Dirk |
3482.65 EUR |
4 penalties 69.20 sec |
bay 12y.S /Parco/Polidiktus/BWP/BEL41656/ Jurgen & Johan Panis |
round 1 |
11. | 98 |
Sea Coast Forlap Dc |
Wathelet, Gregory |
1741.32 EUR |
4 penalties 69.58 sec |
dchst 8y.S /Querlybet Hero/Heartbreaker/BWP/103ME55/ Sea Coast |
round 1 |
12. | 82 |
Leonie W |
Nieberg, Lars |
1741.32 EUR |
4 penalties 69.75 sec |
bay 10y.M /Lorenco/Grandeur/WESTF/103PJ09/ Waning,Josef |
round 1 |
Other, non-placed competitors |
13. | 78 |
Padock du Plessis HN |
Anciaume, Timothee |
4 penalties 69.92 sec |
grey 10y.S /Kannan/SF/FRA47251/ France Haras |
round 1 |
14. | 42 |
Valentino Velvet |
Delestre, Simon |
4 penalties 70.40 sec |
bay 11y.S /Indoctro/Burggraaf/KWPN/BEL42253/ Bertrand Darier |
round 1 |
15. | 128 |
Emerald |
Smolders, Harrie |
4 penalties 70.58 sec |
chest 9y.S /Diamant De Semilly/Carthago/BWP/102WX93/ Euro Horse Bvba Axel Verlooy |
round 1 |
16. | 4 |
Ensor de Litrange LXII |
Lansink, Jos |
5 penalties 73.18 sec |
bay 9y.G /Nabab De Reve/Mr Blue/103FS67/ Jos Lansink Horses & Stephex Stable |
round 1 |
17. | 8 |
Living The Dream |
Duffy, Alex |
5 penalties 73.65 sec |
dbay 8y.G /Toulon/Flamenco Desemilly/BWP/103DA92/ Cameron Hanley Showjumpers |
round 1 |
18. | 76 |
Polinska des Isles |
Mathy, François Jr |
8 penalties 68.49 sec |
bay 10y.M /Diamant de Semilly/Valespoir Malabry/SF/BEL42818/ Team Harmony & Franç |
round 1 |
19. | 86 |
Clintop |
Kühner, Max |
8 penalties 69.47 sec |
bay 10y.G /Clinton/Calvaro Z/BWP/GER45713/ Knoop,Gerhard |
round 1 |
20. | 118 |
Neptune Brecourt |
Moneta, Luca Maria |
8 penalties 69.52 sec |
bay 12y.G /Cumano/Kayack/SF/FRA46335/ Nicoletta Mastroeni |
round 1 |
21. | 23 |
Loro Piana Carlino |
Le Jeune, Philippe |
8 penalties 71.66 sec |
bay 13y.G /Carvallo/Romino/HOLST/DEN03137/ Philippe Le Jeune |
round 1 |
22. | 40 |
Little Lady Z |
Ahlmann, Christian |
9 penalties 72.73 sec |
bay 12y.M /Laptop/Grannus/103CX89/ Stoeterij Zangersheide |
round 1 |
23. | 62 |
Eldorado van het Vijverhof |
Arroyave, Dayro |
9 penalties 73.18 sec |
bay 9y.S /Thunder Van De Zuuthoeve/Omar/BWP/102WT39/ Demartin Daniel |
round 1 |
24. | 97 |
Castelino Van de Helle |
Schröder, Gerco |
9 penalties 74.10 sec |
grey 10y.S /Cassini I/Landgraf I/HOLST/102RL04/ Stoeterij van de Helle |
round 1 |
25. | 133 |
Abbervail van het Dingeshof |
Lynch, Denis |
12 penalties 68.67 sec |
bay 13y.G /Nonstop/Jus de Pomme/BWP/BEL41632/ T. Straumann u. D. Lynch |
round 1 |
26. | 90 |
Gotha FRH |
Eckermann, Henrik von |
12 penalties 69.22 sec |
chest 12y.M /Goldfever/Prestige Pilot/HANN/GER40492/ Winter-Schulze Madeleine |
round 1 |
27. | 112 |
Glock's Zaranza |
Puck, Robert |
12 penalties 70.52 sec |
bay 9y.S /Karandasj/Heartbreaker/KWPN/102OS74/ Ing. Gaston Glock |
round 1 |
28. | 16 |
Egano van het Slogenhof |
Sato, Eiken |
12 penalties 71.08 sec |
bay 9y.G /Electro/Nagano/103QA51/ Stephex Stables |
round 1 |
29. | 58 |
Dream Of India Greenfield |
Devos, Pieter |
12 penalties 71.25 sec |
bay 10y.G /Gem Of India/Night And Day/BWP/102RU31/ Jean Pierre Stampaert |
round 1 |
29. | 135 |
VDL Bubalu |
Vrieling, Jur |
12 penalties 71.25 sec |
bay 13y.S /Baloubet du Rouet/Nimmerdor/KWPN/102OP17/ W. van de Lageweg |
round 1 |
31. | 105 |
Celestine |
Liukkonen, Satu |
13 penalties 73.20 sec |
dbay 11y.M /Cardento/King of Diamonds/SWB/102QA05/ Iwona Majewska & Per Wester |
round 1 |
32. | 63 |
Zaire |
Williams, Guy |
13 penalties 73.66 sec |
bay 9y.G /Indoctro/Marlon/KWPN/104DF44/ Caroline Philips |
round 1 |
33. | 123 |
Cortez |
Philippaerts, Nicola |
16 penalties 69.15 sec |
bay 11y.G /Quick Star/Quito de Baussy/BWP/BEL43042/ Philippaerts/ Stal Lensens |
round 1 |
34. | 49 |
Denver van T Goemanshof |
Philippaerts, Olivier |
16 penalties 70.14 sec |
black 10y.G /Vigo D'arsouilles/Heartbreaker/BWP/102OH76/ Stal de Kalvarie |
round 1 |
35. | 71 |
Zovidius R |
Gulliksen, Victoria |
eliminated |
bay 9y.G /Oviidius/Nabour/KWPN/102TJ73/ Wanda Marie Wilhelmsen |
round 1 |
36. | 30 |
Citizenguard Toscan de Sainte |
Van Paesschen, Constant |
retired |
grey S /Surcouf de Revel/Bayac de Sainte Hermelle/SBS/102XA26/ Van Campenhoudt Al |
round 1 |
36. | 121 |
Dollar du Mury Marais Z |
Mc Entee, Patrick |
retired |
bay 10y.G /Darco/Elton/ZANG/BEL41765/ De Buyl Insurance |
round 1 |
36. | 35 |
Cylana |
Kessler, Reed |
retired |
chest 11y.M /Skippy II/Darco/BWP/103EC16/ Kessler Show Stables |
round 1 |
36. | 46 |
Oz de Breve |
Renwick, Laura |
retired |
chest 11y.G /Dollar du Murier/Grand Veneur/SF/102MB54/ Mr. D. Perry |
round 1 |
36. | 3 |
Embassy II |
Dreher, Hans-Dieter |
retired |
dbay 12y.S /Escudo I/Silvio I/HANN/GER45772/ Galmbacher SPZ |
round 1 |