Vlaams Championship Individual
Table A with jump-off (1.45 m)


Placed competitors
1.1115 Carlito C Philippaerts, Olivier BEL   0 penalties 33.49 sec
2.1098 Cous Cous van Orti Devos, Pieter BEL   0 penalties 35.05 sec
3.1123 Emporio Van T Holeinde Devos, Wouter BEL   4 penalties 34.16 sec
4.1096 D-armel van't Kamerveld De Wit, Thomas BEL   4 penalties 38.25 sec
5.1109 Angel Van T Hof Van Minnebruggen, Thomas BEL   4 penalties 39.18 sec
6.1105 Vanta De Sarlar Vereecke, Koen BEL   8 penalties 35.20 sec
7.1099 Aikido Z Appelen, Jeroen BEL   8 penalties 36.83 sec
8.1122 Best Mix Cigane Z Clarys, Bart BEL   1 penalty 72.40 sec
    round 1
Other, non-placed competitors
9.1102 Carefull Z Van T Hofterryckel Wellens, Jef BEL   4 penalties 65.44 sec
    round 1
10.1119 Bubsylon Braeckmans, Cassandra BEL   4 penalties 65.53 sec
    round 1
11.1101 Gursa Van Den Dael Verdegem, Koen BEL   4 penalties 67.87 sec
    round 1
12.1103 Echo van Spieveld Bruynseels, Niels BEL   4 penalties 67.88 sec
    round 1
13.1107 Espoir Seynhaeve, Olivier BEL   4 penalties 68.31 sec
    round 1
14.1117 Gautcho da Quinta Van Roosbroeck, Catherine BEL   4 penalties 69.32 sec
    round 1
15.1108 Dorada Van Roosbroeck, Olivier BEL   4 penalties 71.70 sec
    round 1
16.1126 Quenzo de la Roque Philippaerts, Nicola BEL   8 penalties 67.20 sec
    round 1
17.1118 Sea Coast Pebles Z Patteet, Gudrun BEL   8 penalties 68.62 sec
    round 1
18.1114 Wesselina Dunon, Gilles BEL   8 penalties 68.83 sec
    round 1
19.1113 Cumantin Vd Hacienda Z Vandoorne, Philippe BEL   8 penalties 69.37 sec
    round 1
20.1112 Funky Music Carton-grootjans, Ann BEL   8 penalties 71.08 sec
    round 1
21.1111 Clearstay Verduyn, Tom BEL   8 penalties 71.87 sec
    round 1
22.1097 Farinelli Van De Zeshoek Vrins, Nick BEL   9 penalties 72.45 sec
    round 1
23.1121 Golden Horta Verlooy, Jos BEL   12 penalties 67.86 sec
    round 1
24.1100 Gravin van het Netehof De Winter, Jeroen BEL   12 penalties 68.77 sec
    round 1
25.1124 Epsom Lady Daem, Viktor BEL   12 penalties 69.80 sec
    round 1
26.1125 Kentucky vh Neerhof Z Beevers, Ben BEL   13 penalties 74.74 sec
    round 1
27.1106 Grey Van De Castanoschans Kenis, Pieter BEL   16 penalties 70.42 sec
    round 1
28.1120 Tsar Hero Aegten, Wim BEL   eliminated
    round 1
29.1110 Zindorado Lambrecht, Vincent BEL   retired
    round 1
29.1116 Gentiane De La Pomme Vermeir, Wilm BEL   retired
    round 1

Data of competition:
 Judges:  E.Van Rompeay (BEL)
