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Wednesday, 13th May 2015 |
13:00 Uhr | HORSE INSPECTION CSIO3* / CSI1* 13:00 - 17:00 Uhr |
18:00 Uhr | HORSE INSPECTION CDIJ / YR / U25 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr |
20:00 Uhr | Chefs d'Equipes Meeting |
Thursday, 14th May 2015 |
08:00 Uhr | 40 | CSI1* SMALL TOUR Presented by WALBER EQUESTRIAN ApS Int. jumping competition in two phases (1.30 m) Table A, FEI Art. 274.5.3 - 2 horses per athlete |
10:00 Uhr | 41 | CSI1* BIG TOUR Presented by DANSK RIDE FORBUND Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.35 m) Table A, FEI Art. 238.2.1 - 2 horses per athlete |
12:15 Uhr | 42 | CSIO3* SMALL TOUR Presented by MASKINHUSET Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.35 m) Table A, FEI Art. 238.2.1 - CSIO3* - 1 horse per athlete |
15:00 Uhr | 43 | CSIO3* MEDIUM TOUR Presented by KINGSLAND Int. jumping competition in two phases (1.40 m) Table A, FEI Art. 274.5.3 - CSIO3* - 1 horse per athlete |
17:45 Uhr | 44 | GRAND PRIX QUALIFIER Presented by ABSOLUTE HORSES Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.50 m) Table A, FEI Art. 238.2.1 - CSIO3* - 1 horse per athlete GRAND PRIX Qualifier for competition 55 |
08:30Uhr | 14 | JULIANELYST JUNIOR TEAM TEST Presented by KIRK ARABIANS CDIJ - Edition 2009, update 2015 |
12:45 Uhr | 02 | GLOBAL CONNECT U25 INTERMEDIARE II Presented by DREAMSPORTS.TV CDIU25 - Edition 2014, update 2015 |
14:20 Uhr | 01 | HELGSTRAND DRESSAGE YOUNG RIDER TEAM TEST Presented by DRESSURENS VENNER CDIYR - Edition 2009, update 2015 |
Friday, 15th May 2015 |
08:30 Uhr | 03 | JULIANELYST JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL TEST Presented by KIRK ARABIANS CDIJ - Edititon 2009, update 2015 The 10 best riders qualifies for competition 07 |
12:45 Uhr | 05 | GLOBAL CONNECT U25 GRAND PRIX CDIU25 - Edition 2009, update 2015 The 10 best riders qualifies for competition 09 |
14:20 Uhr | 04 | HELGSTRAND DRESSAGE YOUNG RIDER INDIVIDUAL TEST Presented by NATHALIE HORSE CARE CDIYR - Edition 2009, update 2015 The 10 best riders qualifies for competition 08 |
Saturday, 16th May 2015 |
08:30 Uhr | 06 | PRIX ST. GEORGES presented by MUSTANG TRAILERS CDI3* - SMALL TOUR Edition 2009, update 2015 |
11:20 Uhr | 07 | JULIANELYST JUNIOR FREESTYLE TEST Presented by KIRK ARABIANS CDIJ - Edition 2006, Revision 2009 The winner is invited to the CDIJ JBK Horse Shows in October 2015 |
13.20 Uhr | 08 | HELGSTRAND DRESSAGE YOUNG RIDER FREESTYLE Presented by GORISSEN & FEDERSPIEL CDIY - Edition 2009, update 2015 The winner is invited to the CDIY JBK Horse Shows in October 2015 |
15:15 Uhr | 09 | GLOBAL CONNECT U25 GRAND PRIX FREESTYLE Presented by DREAMSPORT.TV CDIU25 - Edition 1999, revision 2009 The winner is invited to the CDIU25 JBK Horse Shows in October 2015 |
16:40 Uhr | 10 | GRAND PRIX Presented by ENERGI DANMARK CDI3* - BIG TOUR Edition 2009, revision 2014 |
Sunday, 17th May 2015 |
08:30 Uhr | 11 | PRIX INTERMEDIARE I Presented by EVERHORSE CDI3* - SMALL TOUR Edition 2009, update 2015 |
11:30 Uhr | 13 | ECCO GRAND PRIX FREESTYLE OF ODENSE Presented by BLUE HORS CDI3* - BIG TOUR Edition 1999, revision 2009 Open to the best 15 athletes from the GP competition 10, who has chosen to ride the GPSFS before the draw of the GP. |
14:15 Uhr | 12 | GLOBAL CONNECT GRAND PRIX SPECIAL Presented by DREAMSPORTS.TV CDI3* - BIG TOUR Edition 2009, revision 2014, update 2015 Open to the best 15 athletes from the GP competition 10, who has chosen to ride the GPS before the draw of the GP. |